Jack Bokin raped and attempted to kill several women with a hammer. One day a deputy heard him singing the song, "If I had a hammer." The deputy wrote a report.


S.F. Rapist's Jailbreak Thwarted
Convict escapes shackles, but is tackled by deputies outside courtroom

San Francisco -- Facing more than 250 years in prison, convicted serial rapist and attempted murderer Jack Bokin freed himself from leg and wrist irons yesterday, bolted out a courthouse door and dashed along a third-floor balcony before San Francisco sheriff's deputies could tackle him.

Bokin, one of the city's most notorious criminals, apparently used a hand-fashioned key to make his break at 12:15 p.m. The stocky former plumbing contractor had earlier been caught with a tinfoil key in his jail cell, along with a map of the Hall of Justice court where he was tried and material that could be used to forge a passport, court officials said.

Bokin, 56, was convicted of 19 felony counts last year in connection with a string of attacks on prostitutes, one of whom was beaten and dumped in the bay after she feigned death. He was in court yesterday to hear Judge James Warren tell him he faced consecutive prison sentences of 60 years to life and 195 years.

During a break, sheriff's deputies led the red jumpsuit-wearing inmate into a courthouse holding cell. He was handcuffed to chains wrapped around his chest and his legs were shackled.

When a deputy went to take Bokin from his cell to court, the convict slammed open the door into him and ran.

``Apparently, he had a key,'' Warren said.

``We were waiting for court to reconvene and he was to come back to the courtroom, when all of a sudden we saw a flash of red going by and he threw open the doors,'' said Sidnie Smart, one of the prostitute rights activists in court for the sentencing. ``Then a million cops and the judge chased him also -- his robe was just flying.''

Bokin's attorney, Michael Gaines, sat dumbfounded as his client bolted for freedom. ``Gaines was just sitting there with his head in his hand,'' said Norma Hotaling, founder of the prostitutes activist group SAGE (Stand Against Global Exploitation).

Gaines said later, ``I just wanted to get it done today. He's looking at a lot of time here.''

Bokin ran down a corridor and then out the fire door that opens to a third-floor walkway overlooking the James Lick Skyway, said Sheriff Michael Hennessey. He then ran 100 feet down the walkway toward the stairs leading to the rear parking lot of the Hall of Justice.

At one point during the incident, Bokin confronted two deputies on the walkway, assuming a boxing stance as if to fight, then ran again toward the stairs.

Deputy Walter Jacobs caught up to him and tackled him along with Deputy Ronald Joseph.

``He's a pretty strong guy,'' said police Officer Jim Ludlow, who joined the chase and said Bokin struggled with the deputies. ``If he had gotten farther than that, we might have had serious problems.''

Hennessey said his staff tried to have the fire exits blocked in the Bryant Street building, but the Fire Department said the law requires the doors to be open. As for the key, he said, it was ``more than likely something he fashioned.''

It wouldn't have been the first time. On October 9, the day after Bokin was convicted, deputies searching his cell found a homemade handcuff key made out of tin foil, Warren said. They also found a photo of a cell key, along with a hand-drawn courtroom diagram noting the distance between the defense table, the bailiff and the side door, officials said.

They also found Polaroid photos of Bokin and literature about how to get a German passport, apparently to be used to make a bogus travel document, officials said.

Sheriff's officials would not comment on that incident. Hennessey said only, ``We can't always be expected to know when someone has hidden something or is inclined to escape, but you have certain profiles. We're definitely going to review everything in this instance to see if there was something we could have done to detect the (key) in advance.''

Making a workable key ``is hard to do,'' Hennessey said, ``but certainly prisoners are very innovative people, and more sophisticated people can figure this out sometimes.''

Gaines said the commotion began after he argued unsuccessfully for a new trial and the judge was interpreting the sentencing laws. He called his client ``appropriately upset'' at his fate.

Bokin was treated afterward for scrapes, and Warren delayed the hearing until next week.

Jurors deliberated more than five days in October before convicting Bokin of attempted murder and rape. At his trial, prosecutor Elliot Beckelman portrayed Bokin as an arrogant predator who could hold women captive for hours, then return to his wife and two children and act as if nothing happened.

Bokin would take young women, often prostitutes, to isolated areas, then tie them up and force them to perform sex acts, Beckelman said. Some of them said Bokin forced them to shower repeatedly and that he chewed on their lips and tongues.

Some of the most powerful testimony came from a woman identified only as Amber M., who suffered two skull fractures in the attack on her.

She said Bokin solicited her on Capp Street in the Mission District on Oct. 4, 1997, and drove her to a spot off Bayshore Boulevard. There, Bokin tied her up, raped her and pounded her head with what she took to be a hammer, she testified.

Bokin then wrapped her in a garbage bag, drove to Pier 9 and tossed her into the bay. She clawed out of the bag and swam to shore.

Yesterday, Beckelman said Bokin's escape attempt was ``not surprising. He's just delaying the inevitable.''